
Es una machacha
Es una machacha

es una machacha

“The same prosecutor who was investigating her father for raping her then accused her of intentionally aborting and sought her prosecution. “Moreover, nurses went with police officers to house to oblige her to go to a checkup when she had suffered a miscarriage. It claimed that her rights under the UN convention on the rights of the child had been violated. “She was re-victimised in the health service by denying her an abortion,” said Rossina Guerrero, the programme director at Promsex, the organisation that brought Camila’s case before the UN committee in 2020. Therapeutic abortion has been permitted in Peru since 1924.Ĭamila had a miscarriage and was then charged and convicted of self-abortion based on no evidence other than her repeated statements that she did not wish to carry on with the pregnancy. When Camila and her mother requested a legal termination of the pregnancy, they received no response from either the prosecutor’s office or the health authorities. However, when Camila became pregnant in 2017 and was taken to a hospital in Abancay, she was not informed of her right to have a therapeutic abortion, despite repeatedly stating she did not want to have her father’s child or be pregnant. She was, in effect, turned from victim to offender,” Skelton added.Ībortion is a criminal offence in Peru except if there is a threat to the woman’s life or a severe and permanent risk to her health.

es una machacha

“Far from being protected, given her extreme vulnerability, she was further re-victimised and harassed by health, police and judicial authorities. “I am appalled by the way in which a 13-year-old victim of rape and incest has been treated by national authorities,” said Ann Skelton, chair of the UN committee. En ocasiones tamborilea con su cabeza contra el tronco de algún árbol.Es un insecto que no pica.The Indigenous girl, from Apurímac, in the Peruvian highlands, had been sexually abused by her father since she was nine. Cuando es atacado se defiende soltando una sustancia de olor desagradable.

es una machacha

Al extenderse, las alas anteriores alcanzan 10 a 15 cm. Presenta abundantes motas de colores amarillo, anaranjado, castaño, gris, negro y blanco y grandes ojos falsos en las dos alas posteriores. Se caracteriza por la forma de su cabeza abombada y de 23 a 24 mm de largo, con aspecto de cacahuete y falsos ojos para parecerse a un lagarto. Se alimenta de savia de determinadas plantas. La machaca, chicharra-machacuy, víbora voladora, mariposa caimán o cocoposa es un insecto hemíptero del suborden Auchenorrhyncha que habita en bosques húmedos tropicales en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Sometimes he bangs his head against the trunk of some tree. When it is attacked it is defended releasing a substance of unpleasant smell. When extended, the anterior wings reach 10 to 15 cm. It has abundant specks of yellow, orange, brown, gray, black and white colors and big false eyes on the two hind wings. It is characterized by the shape of its bulging head and 23 to 24 mm long, peanut-like and fake-looking to resemble a lizard. Fulgora laternaria The machaca, chicharra-machacuy, flying viper, alligator or cocoposa Is a hemipterous insect of the suborder Auchenorrhyncha that inhabits tropical humid forests in Mexico, Central America and South America.

Es una machacha